University of Debrecen

Department of Theoretical Physics

H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.Box 5, Hungary


Phone: +36 52 417266 ext. 1388


Fax: +36 52 346758

Profile on Google Scholar

Fax: +36 52 346758


Ferenc Kun is professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics (UD). He received his PhD in 1997 and became doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc) in 2010. As a PhD Student he studied at the Ecole Superieur de la Physique et Chimie Industrielle in Paris, and later on he was postdoc at the Institute of Computational Physics of the University of Stuttgart. His major research field is the physics of complex systems and the statistical physics of fracture and fragmentation phenomena.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

  • Place and Date of birth: Fehérgyarmat (Hungary), 13.11.1966
  • Education: diploma in physics
  • Scientific degree: DSc
  • Family status: married


  • 1991: Diploma in physics (Kossuth Lajos University)
  • 1998: PhD in Physics (Kossuth Lajos University)
  • 2006: Habilitation (University of Debrecen)
  • 2010: Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, DSc (HAS)

Positions held

  • Assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Debrecen, 1999-2007.
  • Associate professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Debrecen, 2007-2014.
  • Professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Debrecen, 2014. September 1-.



  • Outstanding referee of the American Physics Society, 2015.
  • Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Interdisciplinary Physics, 2013-.
  • Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2013.
  • Physics Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2010.
  • Janossy Lajos Prize of the Hungarian Physical Society, 2008.
  • Golden Medal of the “Scientific publication of the year”, University of Debrecen, 2007.
  • Prize of Young Researchers of the Universitas Foundation, 1993, 1994 (two times)
  • Medal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Debrecen, 1991.
  • 2nd prize in theoretical physics at the Conference of Student’s Research and the special price of the Central Research Institute for Physics, 1991.


  • A Bólyai János posztdoktori ösztöndíj szakértői kollégiuma (fizika, csillagászat) tagja, 2013 -
  • OTKA Természettudományi Kollégium tagja, 2013-
  • Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), 1998-
  • From 2005 for 4 years member of the Physics Jury of OTKA
  • Since 2006 member of the Statistical Physics Committee of HAS
  • Since 2008 secretary of the Statistical Physics Committee of HAS


  • 97 papers published in refereed journals, 5 book chapter and 18 conference proceedings papers. Three papers selected by Physical Review Focus. Two papers were presented on the cover page of Physical Review Letters
  • Cumulative impact: 230, Number of independent citations: ~1700.
  • Invitation for conference section chairman and invited speaker: AGU 2013, Avalanches and intermittency in out-of-equilibrium systems 2014, 11th International Conference on Fracture, 2005; 11th International Conference on Fracture, Torino 2005, General Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS12) 2002; AutoSim2005 conference, Toulouse, France 2005, Workshop on Eartquake Dynamics 2005, Calcutta, India; MMM2006 Freiburg, Germany, CFRAC2007 Nantes, France.
  • Invited researcher: Institute for Computer Applications, University of Stuttgart, 1 month a year since 2000; Condensed Matter Group of ICTP, Trieste, 1 month in 2001, 2002, 2003; Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1 month in 2000; Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, 2 month in 2004; 1month in 2005.
  • Principal investigator of 8 research projects during the last 7 years.
  • Referee of several OTKA and TéT proposals
  • Referee of several PhD thesis in Hungary and abroad
  • Principal investigator of several OTKA, NKFP, FKFP, and TéT projects
  • Referee of professional journals (Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Eurphysics Letters, European Physical Journal B, International Journal of Fracture, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment... ) in the field of the statistical physics of fracture.
